DNA is a substance found in the chromosomes of all humans and animals. Samples taken from body fluids can be tested for DNA, and this provides a genetic fingerprint of a person’s identity, which is unique for all except for identical twins. The DNA Bureau provides DNA services Force-wide and to other external agencies. The two main objectives of the DNA Bureau are to confirm the DNA status of individuals and also to research and process any subsequent DNA ‘matches’. To achieve this, the DNA Bureau is responsible for maintaining both a comprehensive DNA Criminal Justice database of all DNA CJ samples taken across the Force and also a database that is dedicated to DNA ‘matches’. It is the responsibility of personnel within the Department to ensure compliance with the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 as amended by the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994.


Every DNA criminal justice sample taken is attached to a specific crime process. On average, Divisions submit about 400 samples per week to the Bureau where the quality and status of each sample is checked and the best course of action is determined.

DNA frame 1

© West Yorkshire Police 2008

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