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The £199 site Website design for just £199.00

Lots of firms build or design websites. Lots and lots. What makes magnesiumweb different is our ability to bring a website to life once it's been created and published. Using a blend of expert copywriting, social media, PR and advertising, we ensure your site is at the heart of an integrated network of marketing and communication tools. In short, building your site is the begining rather than the end of our work.

Expert website design and copywriting services

Website design & build

Whatever you want your website to do, however you want it to look, we have the experience and expertise to create it on time, on line, on budget.

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Award winning copywriting

What does your website say about you? And how well does it say it? With our professional copywriting service you can be sure words are working hard for you.

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Blogging & social media

Twitter, Facebook, YouTube - social media can have an enormously positive impact and you can rely on us to manage your presence professionally.

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